Dr Johann MOURIER – PhD & Graduate engineer in Marine ressources
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Published & in press (IF corresponding to year of publication):
Albery GF, Becker DJ, Firth JA, Silk M, Sweeny AR, Vander Wal E, Webber Q, Allen B, Babayan SA, Barve S, Begon M, Birtles RJ, Block TA, Block BA, Bradley JE, Budischak S, Buesching C, Burthe SJ, Carlisle AB, Caselle JE, Cattuto C, Chaine AS, Chapple T, Cheney BJ, Clutton-Brock T, Collier M, Curnick DJ, Delahay RJ, Farine DR, Fenton A, Ferretti F, Fielding H, Foroughirad V, Frere C, Gardner MG, Geffen E, Godfrey SS, Graham AL, Hammond PS, Henrich M, Heurich M, Hopwood P, Ilany A, Jackson JA, Jackson N, Jacoby D, Jacoby AM, Jezek M, Kirkpatrick L, Klamm A, Klarevas-Irby JA, Knowles S, Koren L, Krzyszczyk E, Kusch JM, Lambin X, Lane JE, Leirs H, Leu ST, Lyon BE, MacDonald DW, Madsen AE, Mann J, Manser M, Marien J, Massawe A, McDonald RA, Morelle K, Mourier J, Newman C, Nussear K, Nyaguthii B, Ogino M, Ozella L, Papastamatiou Y, Paterson S, Payne E, Pedersen AB, Pemberton JM, Pinter-Wollman N, Planes S, Raulo A, Rodriguez-Munoz R, Sabuni C, Sah P, Schallert RJ, Sheldon BC, Shizuka D, Sih A, Sinn DL, Sluydts V, Spiegel O, Telfer S, Thomason CA, Tickler DM, Tregenza T, VanderWaal K, Walters EL, Wanelik KM, Wielgus E, Wilson-Aggarwal J, Wohlfeil C, Bansal S (2024) Density-dependent network structuring within and across wild animal systems. bioRxiv
Bousquet C, Mourier J, Giovos I, Meyers EK, Dijoux J, Durieux EDH (2024) Local Ecological Knowledge and fishery data provides important information on the distribution and seasonal dynamic of Critically Endangered Angel sharks in Corsica (Mediterranean Sea, France). SSRN.
Mourier J, Ledee EJI, Jacoby DMP (2019) A multilayer perspective for inferring spatial and social functioning in animal movement networks. bioRxiv, 749085
75. McInturf A, Cantor M, Bouyoucos I, Chapple T, Debaere S, Eustache K, Mourier J, Planes S, Sulikowski J, Fangue N, Zillig K, Rummer J (accepted) Catch data can unravel elasmobranch aggregation dynamics and group behaviours. Ecology and Evolution. (IF = 2.3)
74. Debaere S, Weideli OC, Daly R, Milanesi EMC, Trujillo JE, Bouyoucos IA, Mourier J, Chin A, Planes S, De Boeck G, Rummer JL (2025) The costs and healing rates of minor injuries in neonatal reef shark. Journal of Fish Biology. (IF = 1.7)
73. Mills SC, Planes S, Mourier J (2025) Shark feeding affects health and female reproductive investment in blacktip reef sharks from French Polynesia. Animal Conservation (IF = 2.8)
72. Mourier J, Soria M, Silk M, Demichelis A, Dagorn L, Hattab T (2024) Both environmental conditions and intra- and interspecific interactions influence the movements of a marine predator. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70659. (IF = 2.3)
71. Kraft S, Winkler AC, Abecasis D, Mourier J (2024) Long-term co-occurrence and gregariousness in the migratory common stingray using co-occurrence network analysis. Marine Biology 171: 176. (IF = 2.1)
70. Laurioux A, Huveneers C, Papastamatiou Y, Planes S, Ballesta L, Mourier J (2024) Abiotic drivers of space use and activity of grey reef sharks Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos in a dynamic tidal environment. Journal of Fish Biology. (IF = 1.7)
69. Auguin E, Guinet C, Mourier J, Clua EEG, Gasco N, Tixier P (2024) Behavioural heterogeneity across killer whale social units in their response to feeding opportunities from fisheries. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11448. (IF = 2.3)
68. McKenzie DJ, Aarestrup K, Domenici P, Fanelli E, Mourier J, Tsigenopoulos CS (2024) Grand Challenges at the Frontiers of Fish Science. Frontiers in Fish Science 1: 1339795.
67. Mourier J, Planes S, Mills S (2024) Steroid hormones as a non-lethal assessment of the reproductive biology in male and female blacktip reef sharks. Frontiers in Fish Science 1:1284949.
66. Papastamatiou YP, Binder B, Boswell K, Malone M, Heithaus M, Huveneers C, Mourier J, Harborne A (2024) Dynamic energy landscapes of predators and the implications for modifying prey risk. Functional Ecology 38: 284-293. (IF = 4.6)
65. Boube T, Azam C-S, Guilbert A, Huveneers C, Papastamatiou Y, Mourier J, Trujillo J, Femmami N, Kunovsky A, Bersani F, Laurent E, Bousseyroux A, Thellier T, Follin Y, Pavy T, Jeandel V, Mataarere A, Burlot M, Bouyeure J, Rigoreau B, Rigoreau L, Lenormand A, Chalabi F, Hayek M, Jeandel J-M, Stenger P-L (2023) First insights into the population characteristics and seasonal occurrence of the great hammerhead shark, Sphyrna mokarran (Rüppell, 1837) in the Western Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia. Frontiers in Marine Sciences 10:1234059. (IF = 2.8)
64. Séguigne C, Bègue M, Meyer C, Mourier J, Clua E (2023) Provisioning ecotourism does not increase tiger shark site fidelity. Scientific Reports 13: 7785. (IF = 3.8)
63. Séguigne C*, Mourier J*, Clua É, Buray N, Planes S (2023) Citizen science provides valuable data to evaluate elasmobranch diversity and trends throughout the French Polynesia’s shark sanctuary. PLoS ONE 18(3): e0282837. (IF = 2.9)
* authors have contributed equally to the work
62. Kraft S, Gandra M, Lennox RJ, Mourier J, Winkler AC, Abecasis D (2023) Residency and space use estimation methods based on passive acoustic telemetry data. Movement Ecology 11: 12. (IF = 4.1)
61. Lesturgie P, Braun C, Clua E, Mourier J, Thorrold S, Vignaud T, Planes S, Mona S (2023) Like a rolling stone: colonization and migration dynamics of the grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos). Ecology and Evolution 13(1): e9746. (IF = 2.3)
60. Manicacci F-M, Mourier J, Babatounde C, Garcia J, Broutta M, Gualtieri J-S, Aiello AA (2022) A Wireless Autonomous Real-Time Underwater Acoustic Positioning System. Sensors 22: 8208. (IF = 3.9)
59. Ducos S, Garcia J, Mourier J, Aiello A, Durieux EDH (2022) Let them go free: spatial behaviour following the experimental release of hatchery-reared juveniles Sciaena umbra and Dentex dentex. Marine Environmental Research 181: 105712. (IF = 3.3)
58. Andrzejaczek S, Lucas TCD, Goodman M, Hussey NE, Armstrong AJ, Carlisle A, Coffey DM, Gleiss A, Huveneers C, Jacoby DMP, Meekan M, Mourier J, Peel L, Abrantes K, Afonso A, Ajemian M, Anderson B, Anderson S, Araujo G, Armstrong AO, Bach P, Barnett A, Bennett MB, Bezerra NA, Bonfil R, Boustany A, Bowlby H, Branco I, Braun CD, Brooks E, Brown J, Burke PJ, Butcher P, Castleton M, Chapple T, Chateau O, Clarke M, Coelho R, Cortes E, Couturier L, Cowley P, Croll D, Cuevas J, Curtis T, Dagorn L, Dale J, Daly R, Dewar H, Doherty P, Domingo A, Dove A, Drew D, Dudgeon C, Duffy C, Elliott R, Ellis JR, Erdmann MV, Farrugia T, Ferreira LC, Ferretti F, Filmalter J, Finucci B, Fischer C, Fitzpatrick R, Forget F, Forsberg K, Francis M, Franks BR, Gallagher AJ, Galvan-Magana F, García M, Gaston T, Gillanders BBM, Gollock M, Green J, Green S, Griffiths C, Hammerschlag N, Hasan A, Hawkes L, Hazin F, Heard M, Hearn A, Hedges KJ, Henderson S, Holdsworth J, Holland K, Howey L, Hueter RE, Humphries NE, Hutchinson M, Jaine F, Jorgensen SJ, Kanive P, Lana F, Lassauce H, Lipscombe R, Llewellyn F, Macena B, Mambrasar R, McAllister J, McCully Phillips SR, McGregor F, McMillan MNN, McNaughton LM, Mendonça S, Meyer C, Meyers M, Mohan J, Montgomery J, Mucientes G, Musyl M, Nasby-Lucas N, Natanson L, O'Sullivan J, Oliveira P, Papastamatiou Y, Patterson T, Pierce S, Ponzo A, Queiroz N, Radford C, Richardson A, Richardson AJ, Righton D, Rohner, Mark Royer C, Saunders R, Schaber M, Schallert R, Scholl MC, Seitz AC, Semmens JM, Setyawan E, Shea BD, Shidqi R, Shillinger G, Shipley O, Shivji M, Sianipar AB, Silva JF, Sims DW, Skomal GB, Sousa LL, Southall EJ, Spaet JLY, Stehfast K, Stevens G, Stewart J, Sulikowski J, Syakurachman I, Thorrold SR, Thums M, Tickler D, Tolloti M, Townsend KA, Travassos P, Tyminski JP, Vaudo JJ, Veras D, Wantiez L, Weber S, Wells RJD, Weng K, Wetherbee BM, Williamson J, Witt M, Wright S, Zilliacus K, Block B, Curnick DJ (2022) Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology. Science Advances 8: eabo1754. (IF = 13.6)
57. Perryman RJY, Mourier J, Venables SK, Tapilatu RF, Setyawan E, Brown C (2022) Reef manta ray social dynamics depend on individual differences in behaviour. Animal Behaviour 191: 43-55. (IF = 2.5)
56. Zemah-Shamir Z*, Mourier J*, Ilany A, Bigal E, Scheinin A, Tchernov D (2022) Preliminary insights of a mixed-species shark aggregation: a case study of two carcharhinids from the Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Biology of Fishes 105: 623–634 (IF = 1.4)
* authors have contributed equally to the work
55. Papastamatiou YP, Mourier J, Tinhan T, Luongo S, Hosoki S, Santana-Morales O, Hoyos-Padilla M (2022) Social dynamics and individual hunting tactics of white sharks revealed by biologging. Biology Letters 18:20210599. (IF = 3.3)
54*. Villegas-Ríos D, Jacoby DMP, Mourier J (2022) Social networks and the conservation of fish. Communications Biology 5: 178. (IF = 6.548)
* authors have contributed equally to the work
53. Jacoby DMP, Brown C., Croft DP, Mann J, Mourier J (2022) Editorial: Sociality in the Marine Environment. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 863595. (IF = 3.7)
52. Séguine C, Mourier J, Buray N, Clua E (2022) Effects of a COVID-19 lockdown-induced pause and resumption of artificial provisioning on blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) and pink whiprays (Pateobatis fai) in French Polynesia (East-Pacific). Ethology 128(2):119-130. (IF = 1.7)
51. Bass NC, Day J, Guttridge TL, Mourier J, Knott NA, Vila Pouca C, Brown C (2021) Residency and movement patterns of adult Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) at a breeding aggregation site. Journal of Fish Biology 99(4):1455–1466. (IF = 2.504)
50. Mourier J, Soria M, Simier M, Certain G, Demichelis A, Hattab T. (2021) Dynamic use of coastal areas by bull sharks and the conciliation of conservation and management of negative human-wildlife interactions. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(10):2926–2937 (IF = 3.254)
49. Papastamatiou Y, Iosilevskii G, Di Santo V, Huveneers C, Hattab T, Planes S, Ballesta L, Mourier J. (2021) Sharks surf the slope: current updrafts reduce energy expenditure for aggregating marine predators. Journal of Animal Ecology 90(10): 2302-2314. (IF = 5.6)
Featured in: ScienceAlert, Futura, NewScientist,
48. Bouyoucos IA, Trujillo JE, Weideli OC, Nakamura N, Mourier J, Planes S, Simpfendorfer CA, Rummer JL. (2021). Investigating links between thermal tolerance and oxygen supply capacity in shark neonates from a hyperoxic tropical environment. Science of the Total Environment 782: 146854 (IF = 10.753)
47. Butcher PA, Colefax AP, Gorkin III RA, Kajiura SM, López NA, Mourier J, Purcell CR, Skomal GB, Tucker JP, Walsh AJ, Williamson JE, Raoult V. (2021) The Drone Revolution of Shark Science: a Review. Drones 5(1), 8. (IF = 5.532)
“Highly Cited Paper” in Web of Science
46. Mourier J, Planes S (2021) Kinship does not predict the structure of a shark social network. Behavioral Ecology 32(2): 211-222. (IF = 3.087)
preprint in bioRxiv
45. Mourier J, Claudet J, Planes S (2021) Human‐induced shifts in habitat use and behaviour of a marine predator: the effects of bait provisioning in the blacktip reef shark. Animal Conservation 24(2): 230-238. (IF = 4.371)
44. Burke PJ, Mourier J, Gaston TF, Williamson JE (2020) Novel use of pop-up satellite archival telemetry in sawsharks: insights into the movement of the common sawshark Pristiophorus cirratus (Pristiophoridae). Animal Biotelemetry 8: 33. (IF = 2.36)
43. Rummer JL, Bouyoucos IA, Mourier J, Nakamura N, Planes S (2020) Response of a coral reef shark acutely exposed to ocean acidification conditions. Coral Reefs 39: 1215–1220 (IF=3.902)
42. Bouyoucos IA, Romain M, Azoulai L, Eustache K, Mourier J, Rummer JL, Planes S (2020) Home range of newborn blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus), as estimated using mark-recapture and acoustic telemetry. Coral Reefs 39: 1209–1214 (IF=3.902)
41. Labourgade P, Ballesta L, Huveneers C, Papastamatiou Y, Mourier J (2020) Heterospecific foraging associations between reef-associated sharks: first evidence of kleptoparasitism in sharks. Ecology 101(11): e03117 (IF=5.499)
Photo Gallery in the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
Labourgade P, Ballesta L, Huveneers C, Papastamatiou Y, Mourier J (2020) Heterospecific Foraging Associations Between Reef-Associated Sharks: First Evidence of Kleptoparasitism in Sharks. Bull Ecol Soc Am 101(4): e01755.
Featured in: Science, Psychology Today
40. Thiele M, Mourier J, Papastamatiou Y, Ballesta L, Huveneers C (2020) Response of blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus to shark bite mitigation products. Scientific Reports 10: 3563. (IF=4.379)
39. Carpentier AS, Berthe C, Ender I, Jaine FRA, Mourier J, Stevens G, De Rosemont M, Clua E (2019) Preliminary insights into the population characteristics and distribution of reef (Mobula alfredi) and oceanic (M. birostris) manta rays in French Polynesia. Coral Reefs 38(6): 1197-1210. (IF=3.536)
38. Chin A, Baje L, Donaldson T, Gerhardt K, Jabado R, Kyne P, Mana R, Mescam G, Mourier J, Planes S, Ward J, Wen C (2019) The scientist abroad: maximising research impact and effectiveness when working as a visiting scientist. Biological Conservation. 238: 108231 (IF = 4.711)
37. Schilds A, Mourier J, Huveneers C, Nazimi L, Fox A, Leu ST (2019) Evidence for non-random co-occurrences in a white shark aggregation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. (IF = 2.277)
Featured in: Forbes, Sci-News, Scimex, NewsWeek
36. Delrieu-Trottin E, Williams JT, Pitassy D, Driskell A, Hubert N, Viviani J, Cribb TH, Espiau B, Galzin R, Kulbicki M, de Loma TL, Meyer C, Mourier J, Mou-Tham G, Parravicini V, Plantard P, Sasal P, Siu G, Tolou N, Veuille M, Weigt L, Planes S (2019) A DNA barcode reference library of French Polynesian shore fishes. Scientific Data 6:114 (IF=6.46)
35. Mourier J, Ballesta L, Clua E, Planes S (2019) Visitation patterns of camouflage groupers Epinephelus polyphekadion at a spawning aggregation in Fakarava inferred by acoustic telemetry. Coral Reefs 38(5): 909-916. (IF=3.536)
34. Kadar J, Ladds M, Mourier J, Day J, Brown C (2019) Acoustic accelerometry reveals diel activity patterns in pre-migratory Port Jackson sharks. Ecology and Evolution 9(16): 8933-8944. (IF=2.543)
33. Matich P, Kiszka JJ, Heithaus MR, Le Bourg B, Mourier J (2019) Inter-individual differences in ontogenetic trophic shifts among three apex marine predators. Oecologia 189(3): 621-636. (IF=2.654)
32. Rieucau G, Kiszka J, Castillo JC, Mourier J, Boswell K, Heithaus MR (2018) Using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) surveys and image analysis in the study of large surface-associated marine species: a case study on reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus shoaling behaviour. Journal of Fish Biology 93: 119-127. (IF=2.038)
31. Brena P, Mourier J, Planes S, Clua E (2018). Concede or clash? Solitary sharks competing for food assess rivals to decide. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20180006 (IF=4.304)
30. Riley J, Guidou C, Fryns C, Mourier J, Leu S, Noble D, Byrne R, Whiting M (2018) Isolation rearing does not constrain social plasticity in a family-living lizard. Behavioral Ecology 29(3): 563-573. (IF=2.695)
29. Mourier J, Bass NC, Guttridge TL, Day J, Brown C (2017) Does detection range matter for inferring social networks in a benthic shark using acoustic telemetry? Royal Society Open Science 4: 170485. (IF=2.504)
Featured in: Phys.Org, DailyMail, IFLScience, ABCRadio
28. Bass N, Mourier J, Day J, Knott N, Guttridge T, Brown C (2017) Long-term migration patterns and bisexual philopatry in a benthic shark species. Marine and Freshwater Research 68(8): 1414-1421. (IF=1.674)
Featured in: SharkNewz
27. Berthe C, Lecchini D, Mourier J (2017) Chafing behavior on a patch of sandy bottom by ocellated eagle ray (Aetobatus ocellatus). Marine Biodiversity 47(2): 379-380. (IF=1.408)
26. Matich J, Kiska JJ, Mourier J, Planes S & Heithaus MR (2017) Species co-occurrence affects the trophic interactions of two juvenile reef shark species in tropical lagoon nurseries in Moorea (French Polynesia). Marine Environmental Research 127: 84-91. (IF=3.159)
25. Mourier J, Brown C, Planes S (2017) Learning and robustness to catch-and-release fishing in a shark social network. Biology Letters 13: 20160824. (IF=3.345)
Featured in: Phys.Org, Sciences et Avenir, ABCRadio, Tahiti Infos,
24. Kiszka J, Mourier J, Gastrich K, Heithaus MR (2016) Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to investigate shark and ray densities in a shallow coral lagoon. Marine Ecology Progress Series 560: 237-242. (IF=2.292)
23. Mourier J, Maynard J, Parravicini V, Ballesta L, Clua E, Domeier ML, Planes S (2016) Extreme Inverted Trophic Pyramid of Reef Sharks Supported by Spawning Groupers. Current Biology 26(15): 2011-2016 (IF=8.851)
Featured in Forbes, National Geographic, BBC, ABC, ScienceDaily, ScientificAmerican, SBS
22. Berthe C, Mourier J, Lecchini D, Rummer JL, Sellos DY, Iglesias SP (2016) DNA barcoding supports the presence of the cryptic ocellated eagle ray, Aetobatus ocellatus (Myliobatidae), in French Polynesia, South Pacific. Cybium 40(2): 181-184 (IF=0.575)
21. Gervais C, Mourier J, Rummer J (2016) Developing in warm water: Irregular colouration and patterns of a neonate elasmobranch. Marine Biodiversity 46: 743-744 (IF=1.321)
20. Chin A, Mourier J, Rummer J (2015) Blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) show high capacity for wound healing and recovery following injury. Conservation Physiology 3(1): cov062 (IF=2.570)
19. Delrieu-Trottin E, Williams JT, Bacchet P, Kulbicki M, Mourier J, Galzin R, Lison de Loma T, Mou-Tham G, Siu G, Planes S (2015) Shore fishes of the Marquesas Islands, an updated checklist with new records and new percentage of endemic species. CheckList 11(5): 1758
18. Brena PF, Mourier J, Planes S, Clua E (2015) Shark and ray provisioning: functional insights into behavioral, ecological and physiological responses across multiple scales. Marine Ecology Progress Series 538: 273-283. (IF=2.361)
17. Clua E, Chauvet C, Mourier J, Werry JM, Randall JE (2015) Pattern of movements from a home reef in the Chesterfield Islands (Coral sea) by the endangered Giant Grouper, Epinephelus lanceolatus. Aquatic Living Ressources 28: 53-58. (IF=1.327)
16. Garcia J, Mourier J, Lenfant P (2015) Spatial behavior of two coral reef fishes within a Caribbean Marine Protected Area. Marine Environmental Research 109: 41-51. (IF=2.769)
15. Weideli OC, Mourier J, Planes S (2015) A massive surgeonfish aggregation creates a unique opportunity for reef sharks. Coral Reefs 34(3): 835. (IF=3.000)
Featured in: Hakai_magazine
14. Matich P, Kiszka J, Heithaus MR, Mourier J, Planes S (2015) Short-term shifts of stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) values in juvenile sharks within nursery areas suggest rapid shifts in energy pathways. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 465: 83-91. (IF=1.796)
13. Vignaud TM, Mourier J, Maynard JA, Leblois R, Spaet J, Clua E, Neglia V, Planes S (2014) Blacktip reef sharks, Carcharhinus melanopterus, have high genetic structure and varying demographic histories in their Indo-Pacific range. Molecular Ecology 23(21): 5193-5207. (IF=6.494)
12. Mourier J, Buray N, Schultz JK, Clua E, Planes S (2013) Genetic network and breeding patterns of a sicklefin lemon shark (Negaprion acutidens) population in the Society Islands, French Polynesia. PLoS ONE 8(8): e73899. (IF=3.534)
11. Vignaud T, Clua E, Mourier J, Maynard J, Planes S (2013) Microsatellite Analyses of Blacktip Reef Sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) in a Fragmented Environment Show Structured Clusters. PLoS ONE 8(4): e61067. (IF=3.534)
10. Mourier J, Mills SC, Planes S (2013) Population structure, spatial distribution and life history traits of blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus at Moorea, French Polynesia. Journal of Fish Biology 82(3): 979–993. (IF=1.734)
9. Mourier J, Planes S, Buray N (2013). Trophic interactions at the top of the coral reef food chain. Coral Reefs 32(1): 285. (IF=3.623)
8. Mourier J., Planes S (2013) Direct genetic evidence for reproductive philopatry and associated fine-scale migrations in female blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) in French Polynesia. Molecular Ecology 22 (1): 201-214. (IF=5.840)
7. Mourier J (2012) Manta rays in the Marquesas Islands: first records of Manta birostris in French Polynesia and most easterly location of Manta alfredi in the Pacific, with notes on their distribution. Journal of Fish Biology 81(6): 2053-2058. (IF=1.834)
6. Mourier J, Vercelloni J, Planes S (2012) Evidence of social communities in a spatially structured network of a free-ranging shark species. Animal Behaviour 83: 389-401. (IF=3.068)
Featured in DiscoveryNews, ScientificAmerican, DailyMail, Le Monde
5. Clua E, Buray N, Legendre P, Mourier J, Planes S (2011) Business partner or simple catch? The economic value of the sicklefin lemon shark in French Polynesia. Marine and Freshwater research 62: 764-770. (IF=1.595)
4.Clua E, Buray N, Legendre P, Mourier J, Planes S (2010) Effects of provisioning on shark behaviour: Reply to Brunnschweiler & McKenzie (2010). Marine Ecology Progress Series 420: 285-288. (IF=2.483)
3.Clua E, Buray N, Legendre P, Mourier J, Planes S (2010) Behavioural response of sicklefin lemon sharks Negaprion acutidens to underwater feeding for ecotourism purposes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 414:257–266. (IF=2.483)
2. Mills SC, Mourier J, Galzin R (2010) Plasma cortisol and 11-ketotestosterone enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kit validation for three fish species: the clown anemonefish, Amphiprion percula; the orange-fin anemonefish A. chrysopterus; and the blackfin reef shark, Carcharhinus melanopterus. Journal of Fish Biology 77(3): 769-777. (IF=1.330)
1. Buray N, Mourier J, Planes S, Clua E (2009) Underwater photo-identification of sicklefin lemon shark, Negaprion acutidens, at Moorea (French Polynesia). Cybium 33(1): 21-27. (IF=0.411)
Mourier J (2020) 40 idées fausses sur les requins. Éditions Quae. ISBN 978-27592-3218-5. 144 p. (Publication 3 Décembre 2020)
*** Lauréat de la Mention de l’Académie de marine 2021 ***
Papastamatiou YP, Mourier J, Vila Pouca C, Guttridge TL, Jacoby DMP. (in press) Social lives of shark and ray: social form, function, and ecological significance of associations. In Carrier J, Heithaus M, Simpfendorfer C and Yopak KE, (eds.). Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives (3rd edition).
Mourier J (2019) Les dents de Fakarava. Dans L’Atlas des nouveaux mondes. Editions Cherche Midi (Ouvrage réalisé par le CNRS)
Mourier J, Ledee E, Guttridge T, Jacoby D, 2018. Network analysis and theory in shark ecology – methods and applications. In Carrier J, Heithaus M and Simpfendorfer C, (eds.). Shark Research: Emerging Technologies and Application for the Study of Shark Biology. pp. 337-356. Taylor & Francis/CRC Press. Invited Chapter. (ISBN: 9781138032927)
Taquet, M., Misselis, C., Mourier, J. & Ponsonnet, C. (2016). Poissons pélagiques des Marquises. In Galzin R., Duron S.-D. & Meyer J.-Y. (eds), Biodiversité terrestre et marine des îles Marquises, Polynésie française. Société Française d’Ichtyologie, Paris : 159-188.
Mourier, J. & Planes, S. (2015). Les requins et raies des îles Australes, espèces emblématiques de la conservation. In : Salvat B., Bambridge T., Tanret D. et Petit J., 2015. Environnement marin des îles Australes, Polynésie française. Institut Récifs Coralliens Pacifique, CRIOBE et The Pew Charitable Trusts Polynésie française. ISBN 978-2-905630-08-7, EAN 9782905630087. Polynésie française, Tahiti, p. 112-119
Mourier, J. & S. Planes (2015). Réseaux sociaux chez les poissons. Dans « Analyse des réseaux sociaux appliquée à l’éthologie et l’écologie». (Ed: Cédric Sueur) Editions Matériologiques. Paris, France. pp. 137-161.
Mourier, J. & S. Planes (2015). Structure des réseaux et diversité génétique. Dans « Analyse des réseaux sociaux appliquée à l’éthologie et l’écologie». (Ed: Cédric Sueur) Editions Matériologiques. Paris, France. pp. 359-406.
MOURIER, J. (2007). Population structure of the sicklefin lemon shark, Negaprion acutidens, in Moorea, French Polynesia. M.Sc. Thesis, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, France.
MOURIER, J. (2005). Interactions between the Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias, and chumming vessels in Mossel Bay, South Africa: Do practices of chumming and baiting affect the behaviour of white sharks and condition them to associate human and boats with food. M.Sc. Thesis, Arocampus Rennes, Rennes, France.
Mourier J. et Planes S. 2008. Etude de l’impact du « shark-feeding » sur le déplacement des requins à pointes noires, Carcharhinus melanopterus, à Moorea . Rapport final. Rapport CRIOBE RA 161. 30pp.
Planes, S., Mourier, J., Buray, N., Juncker, M., Roberts, M., Clua, E., 2007. Etude des populations de requins en Polynésie française. 64p.
Mourier J, 2019. Entering the connected world of fish: tracking individual movements to the emergence of fish interactions. 5th International Conference on Fish Telemetry. Arendal, Norway. 23-28 June 2019.
Mourier J, 2019. The role and ecology of reef sharks. Reef Conservation UK 2019. Zoological London Society, Londres. 14 December 2019.
Mourier J, 2019. Fish networks: from movement networks to social networks in acoustic telemetry. COST ETN symposium. Palma de Mallorca. 15-17 October 2019.
Mourier J, 2022. Dive into the social life of elasmobranchs: Investigating social and collective behaviour in sharks and rays. Sharks International. Valencia, Spain. 10-23 October 2022.
Mourier J, 2017. How does a shark’s paradise become a fish’s nightmare? The 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference. Tahiti. French Polynesia. 2-6 October 2017.
Mourier J, Maynard J, Parravicini V, Ballesta L, Clua E, Domeier ML, Planes S, 2016. Extreme inverted trophic pyramid of reef sharks supported by spawning groupers. ASFB-OCS joint conference. Hobart. Tasmania. 4-7 September 2016.
Mourier J, Bass NC, Day J, Knott N, Brown C, 2016. Hangin in ya PJs: Social networks in Port Jackson sharks. ASFB-OCS joint conference. Hobart. Tasmania. 4-7 September 2016.
Mourier J. 2015. Application of social networks in sharks: reaching a better understanding of their behavioural ecology. SFECA 2015. Strasbourg. France. 20-24 April 2015.
Mourier J & Planes S. 2012. Inferring social behaviour and mating patterns in a reef shark from social network and molecular analyses. ICRS. Cairns. Australia. July 2012.
Vignaud T, Mourier J, Clua E, Planes S. 2012. Evidence of fragmented reef shark populations in the insular Pacific. ICRS. Cairns. Australia. July 2012.
Mourier J & Planes S. 2010. Spatial and social dynamic in a population of blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) at Moorea Island (French Polynesia). Sharks Internationnal. Cairns. Australia. June 2010
Clua E, Buray N, Mourier J, Planes S. 2010. Business partner or simple catch ? About the economic value of the sicklefin lemon shark in French Polynesia. Sharks Internationnal. Cairns. Australia. June 2010
Mourier, J & S. Planes (2009). Movement and group structure in wild blackfin reef sharks, Carcharhinus melanopterus, at Moorea, French Polynesia. 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress,02-06 March 2009, Tahiti.
Mourier, J., N. Buray, E. Clua, S. Planes (2007). Ecology and behaviour of a sicklefin lemon shark (Negaprion acutidens) population at Moorea Island (French Polynesia). 11th Annual Science Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association. 23-26 November.
Bousquet C, Bouet M, Mourier J, Marengo M, Dijoux J, Aiello A, Santoni M-C, Durieux EDH (2022). Identifying elasmobranch hotspot in Corsica: the potential of artisanal fisheries monitoring data. Sharks International. Valencia, Spain. 10-23 October 2022.
Bousquet C, Bouet M, Mourier J, Marengo M, Dijoux J, Aiello A, Santoni M-C, Durieux EDH (2022). Hotspot d’élasmobranches en Corse : ce que les bycatch de la petite pêche artisanale révèlent. 5e Journées Internationales de Limnologie et d'Océanographie. Corte, France. October 2022.
Ducos S, Garcia J, Mourier J, Aiello A, Durieux EDH (2022) Let them go free: Spatial behaviour following the experimental release of hatchery-reared juveniles Sciaena umbra and Dentex dentex. Workshop "Rencontres Télémétrie". Cestas, France. October 2022.
Ducos S, Garcia J, Begout M-L, Mourier J, Berrebi P, Demolliens M, Pugliese S, Lefrançois C, Cousin X, Boussard A, Delmas A, Aiello A, Durieux EDH.(2022) Multi-disciplinary approaches to investigate the feasibility of releasing hatchery-reared Sciaena umbra and Dentex dentex juveniles for restocking purposes. 5e Journées Internationales de Limnologie et d'Océanographie. Corte, France. October 2022.
Brena, P, Mourier J, Clua E, Planes S, 2015. Investigating the social structure of baited sickle n lemon sharks (Negaprion acutidens) as a tool for managing shark-human interactions. ICCB: 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology. Montpellier. France. August 2015.
Mills SC, Beldade R, Bernardi G, Bigot L, Chabanet P, Holles S, Mourier J, O’Donnell J, Planes S, Radford A, Simpson S, 2013. Anthropogenic disturbances on the development and physiology of marine species. 14th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Lisbon. Portugal. August 2013.
Buray N, Clua E, Mourier J, Planes S, 2009. Population size, residence patterns and reproduction of a sicklefin lemon shark population (Negaprion brevirostris) visiting a shark-feeding location at Moorea Island, French Polynesia. 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress,02-06 March 2009, Tahiti.